
Everyone has thoughts on what will happen after they died. Heaven and hell? Reincarnation? So far no one have ever come back to tell others.

Some say that if you behave well in present life, you get a better deal in the next. If not, you’ll be degraded into animals or plants. Moving up and down a level, or levels, based on how youve led your life. Reincarnation, Buddhism is based on this thinking.

Nah, what if some guy really screwed up his life, and come back as, let’s say, a snail. What does a snail have to do to move up a level? Lay down a perfect trail of slime? Haha

Afterall, it’s just a guess. Nobody really knows.

I think the most logical theory about reincarnation is the scientific one. We are composed of matter, and when we die, that matter is rearranged ina different form. I’ll give you an example

You die. You’re buried and then fertilize the plants. The plants are eaten by snails, snails cooked and then become escargot, some guy eats that escargot. Now you are a Frenchman.


These are not my words.

So, is there a god?

And if there is a god, where do you found him?

I found him, here

Petworth, West Sussex, England

Walking with an old friend, i asked him if he could explain god to me.

Look, he said, pointing at the sunset. What do you think made that?

Do you think it’s an accident?

Do you think it’s a trick of the light?

Do you think it’s a fluke?

If you do, then say i believe in flukes.

Evolution, fate, creation, fluke. You can call it what you like.

They are all words that we use to describe the same thing...

The existence of god.

God is our name for the force behind creation.

That’s what i believe.

I believe in god.

God Explained In A Taxi Ride.

Arden, Paul.

Penguin Books.

Ngga penting.

Eh gw punya cerita, waktu kapan itu gw lupa, di shared folder temen kosan gw ada file .pdf yg judulnya, ‘Watak Berdasarkan Tanggal Lahir’. Secara spontan otak gw mulai membentuk kubu-kubu. Di sudut pelipis kanan rada deket kuping, terbentuklah kubu yg namanya kubu ‘Anjing, Ngga Penting Gila’, sementara itu di sekitar nervous system otak gw kubu ‘Hmm Sepertinya Menarik’. Setelah terjadi pertikaian batin, akhirnya kubu ‘Hmm Sepertinya Menarik’ mengirimkan listrik2 kecil ke neuron-neuron yang akhirnya menstimulasi jari gw untuk mengklik ‘Open’.

Gw cari 1 Juni, gw baca.

Hari 153. 1 Juni.

Pandai, dapat bergerak dengan cepat, agung, suka bergaul, terlalu suka hidup mewah dan sembrono dalam kehidupan percintaan sehingga ia mudah terjerat oleh jenis kelamin lain.


Memory's Unreliable

Really, memory’s not perfect. It’s not even that good. If you want to, ask the police. Eyewitness testimony is unreliable. Cops dont catch a killer by remembering stuff. They collect facts, they make notes, and they draw conclusion. Facts always lead to a logical conclusion. Facts, not memories. Memory can change the shape of the room. It can change the colour of a car. And memories can be distorted. Theyre just an interpretation. Theyre not a record.

unless if you have a perfect photographic memory.

I Am Misha’s Fight Club Analysis

Oke, ehem, yeah, bahasan pertama gw, Fight Club. On misha’s favourite movie list, Fight Club sits firmly at ninety first position, or is it sixth? Or maybe even his favourite? Gatau sih org gw ngga pernah buat list2an gt haha. Anyways gw udh ntn Fight Club 4 kali, total. Yang dua terakhir buat bikin analisis ini. Dari sepak terjang gw ntn film itu 4 kali gw dpt beberapa hal2 yang menarik, yg bakal gw bahas di analisis ini. Oh satu hal lagi, ngga kaya analisis2 formal, analisis ini subjektif, ngga objektif.

SPOILER ALERT:, this analysis is a HUGE spoiler. A big one. Therefore for those who haven’t watched Fight Club yet, please leave immediately or continue reading the analysis below with your own consecuences. You have been warned..Misha.

Analisis ini biar rada terstruktur gw bagi beberapa section aja ya.

1. The Summary

2. The Warning

3. The Subliminals

4. The Unseen and The Unnoticed

Analisis gw yang section 4 belom selesai, jadi postingan kali ini cuman sampe section 2 aja oke? Tungguin aja section The Subliminals, it’s rad.

The Summary

Aight. Chuck Palahniuk (he’s on the top 5 of my fave authors) + Brad Pitt (I love his acting since Snatch) + Edward Norton (not a big fan, but The Illusionist and The Italian Job was a nice job) + Helena Bonham Carter (one of my favourite actress. yeah, uh huh) + David Fincher (menurut gw ending Se7en itu ending tershocking dan tersakit setelah The Mist) + Psychological-Satirical Thriller genre + deep dark satirical humor + Twist Ending + Hidden stuff that you won’t notice until watching it three times = WOW!

Yak, Fight Club. Itu bukan jenis2 film berantem2 dangkal yang storylinenya ngga kuat, bukan. Berantem di sini cuman ngasih kontribusi sekitar 15%an aja, itu juga cmn pesan implisit from the big picture. Diadaptasi dari novel pertamanya Palahniuk, judul yg sama, taun 1996. Dijadiin film taun brp gt gw lupa, yg jelas sebelum 2000, sama David Fincher. Plotnya gw ngga akan jelasin karena gw males. Secara tematis film ini merepresentasiin konflik antara, kl kata the SIGIT, new generations ngelawan nilai2 sistem konsumerisme dan advertising. Menurut pendapat gw, yg mungkin salah, violence di fight clubs nya selain untuk psikoterapi radikalnya Tyler Durden juga merupakan metafor untuk perasaan yang didasari oleh konflik tersebut. Sori ya kl kata2 gw susah dimengerti, gw bukan perangkai kata yang handal sob. Watch the movie then you’ll get the whole idea.David Fincher masih masukin sarkasme dan humor2 gelap dari novel, kayaknya untuk ngejauhin audience dari menebak dan mengantisipasi endingnya. Kayaknya loh.

The Characters;

Edward Norton.

The right one, our anonymous main character, A.K.A. Travis, Cornelius, Rupert, Jack, but he really is Tyler Durden. Or at least one side of his personality.

Again, the anonymous main character, A.K.A. Travis, Cornelius, Rupert, Jack, also, Tyler Durden

After Brad Pitt’s Tyler Durden came along.

Brad Pitt.

The left guy and again, Tyler Durden.

The Partner, The Other.

Helena Bonham Carter.

Marla Singer.

Hampir mati gara2 kebanyakan Xanax.

The Warning

Nah ini, hal yang akhirnya gw sadari setelah nonton tiga kali. Lo nyalain DVD player lo, masukin DVDnya, nah biasanya kan film2 kan ada warning-warning dari FBI/Interpol gt kan. Di film Fight Club, yang pertama keluar itu FBI Warning, sekitar 10 detikan. Abisitu Attention Warning. Nah pas gw nonton yang ketiga kalinya gw menyadari hal yang aneh. Abis itu 2 warning-warning ngga penting masih ada satu warning lagi. Gw ngeh, trs gw pencet rewind di remote, tapi bukannya ngerewind malah ada tanda kaya perboden gitu di kanan atas. Gw baru inget kalo lagi warning-warningan gitu emang ngga bisa di rewind/pause/cepetin. Buat ngeliat lagi itu warning apaan, gw keluarin DVDnya, gw masukin lagi, tanpa disuruh otak gw mengaktifkan super-concentrate mode, abis attention warning, gila warning itu cuman beberapa detik, nih warningnya.

Menurut pandangan subjektif gw, ini brilian sekali, mana ada orang yang bener-bener baca warning-warning penting tapi ngga penting kaya FBI warning gitu. Kalo iya, warningnya Tyler diatas buat orang-orang yang kaku, statis, baca semua yang harus mereka baca, mikirin semua yang harus mereka pikirin. Claim your humanity or you’ll become a static. I personally thinks this is poetic justice. Fits the whole idea of the film exquisitely.

Aaand that’s all for this post, section 3, section 4 and other fascinating stuff are on the way!


Hi there, it’s a pleasure to meet you

Kayaknya blogging itu menyenangkan.



First post eh? Well, most people posted their first post with something clever, smart, sophisticated.

I guess i’ll post a stupid one. Here goes.

2 + 2 = 5

Aaand we’re on.